About Lastcrazyhorn

Odd One Out I am a 24 year old graduate student with an undergrad in Music Education, Instrumental concentration. I am currently at Texas Woman’s University, pursuing an MA in Music Therapy.


I was pursuing an MA in Music Therapy until I October 2008.  See here for more details.

I have recently been diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome (October 2007); which, as you may know, is on the autistic spectrum. This diagnosis has done much to explain confusing, disturbing, and traumatic events in my past, and present; as well as given me a new interest and better ideas for how to deal with life. It has also done much to connect me to other people online, and those in person. Long live autistic adults!!!

I enjoy drawing, writing, reading and making music. I am an avid M*A*S*H (the tv show) fan; I own 9 of the 11 seasons on DVD, and my claim to fame could be that I have seen every single episode. I also love Batman.

Someday, after graduation, I hope to be able to do work with those on the autistic spectrum; hopefully creating a stable enough environment for them with lots of creative ways of dealing with life in order that they will succeed in life with happiness, poise and confidence. I feel that I am especially fit for working with this population, since I am part of the population, and I understand how it feels to grow up with no one truly understanding you. I also know firsthand the difficulties that come from being on spectrum, and I think that it’s possible that I may be able to spot problems in these children before others do.

As aspies on the internet, we are no longer alone and cut off from everyone else. Here is our equal ground. Here us roar. 🙂

14 Responses to “About Lastcrazyhorn”

  1. where did you do your undergraduate work?

  2. Mars Hill College – http://www.mhc.edu

  3. Hi!I´m an Spanish girl and I was looking for an expression 2to be the odd one out” when I found your incredible text!what amazing!lovely,incredible,you really write cool and I feel like what you were saying was what I really feel right now. I´m only 17 and I feel like I´m the odd one out. I would like to contact with you. hope you write me soon.

  4. Hi, and thanks for the link. I added you to my links mostly on impulse, as I remembered reading your recent piece on discrimination and bullying by peers. I’m glad I did. You’ve got a wealth of fascinating material and links here, and I look forward to exploring.

    Best wishes,


  5. Just read your essay at Can I Sit with You and wanted to say hello.

  6. […] On a closely related note, one of the worst things that can happen to a lonely Asperger person , in my opinion, is to be branded a ‘loner.’ Too often people simply assume that the Asperger person prefers solitude and thus do not attempt to invite them into the social milieu. (“You say loner, I say outcast,” proclaims Lastcrazyhorn.)  […]

  7. Hi! I’m a special ed teacher and have taught children on the spectrum for many years. ASD kids are my favorite and my passion. I love your website and am adding it to my blogroll if that’s OK with you. Thanks! 🙂

  8. Hello, I’m an Irish 20-year-old music student and was diagnosed with Asperger’s near the end of May this year. Great blog 🙂 The amount of stuff I’ve realized about my life since my diagnosis is amazing, my head just keeps buzzing with flashbacks and my childhood memories are suddenly making more sense! I’ve stopped blaming myself for my problems and started focusing on making my world easier and more enjoyable for me and also on being fearless about telling people that I’m a little autistic. I actually love being autistic at times; I blame it for my musical ability and my good reputation as a persistent and diligent worker both in college and beyond. I hate the difficulties it causes and how sick I get from stress and meltdowns, but I can now explain these occurrences to my friends and family and they will be able to help or at least won’t be angry with me.

  9. Hello,
    I initial visited the site looking for inspirational quotes regarding autism. i have a son who will be nine this year, autism can be very simple as well as complex. I working on raising awareness in my community to get others involved to better understand children,and adults with autism I would love to connect to her about your diagnoses and experiences that would help me further understand my son and help him share his vision to others. I’m so glad to see you making ag voice for others.
    cecebailey autism mommy

  10. Possibly a stupid question, but are you the same lastcrazyhorn who has an account on AO3?

  11. lastcrazyhorn said: Are you my long-lost twin?
    Perhaps. While I’m an only child, we might be spiritual twins (yes, sometimes I come out with more crap than Jenny McCarthy and Andrew Wakefield put together).

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