Quotes About Autism (and everything that includes)

  • Prof Michael Fitzgerald, Henry Marsh Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Trinity College Dublin, and the author of The Genesis of Artistic Creativity: Asperger’s Syndrome and the Arts, speaks about people with Asperger’s Syndrome. In his book, he has this to say about Asperger artists:

Persons with the syndrome are often workaholics, highly persistent, content with their own company and solitary artistic occupations; they focus on detail with massive curiosity and total immersion; they are novelty-seekers in terms of their art, with massive imagination in their specialised spheres. They are also far less influenced by previous or contemporary artists in their work than are ‘neurotypicals’. It appears that the autistic artist, because of his or her rather diffuse identity and diffuse psychological boundaries, has the capacity to do what the artist George Bruce described as being necessary for art: ‘One must not just depict the objects, one must penetrate them, and one must oneself become the object’.”

  • Morton Gernsbacher, parent of an autistic child, says:

” … research demonstrates that autistic traits are distributed into the non-autistic population; some people have more of them, some have fewer. History suggests that many individuals whom we would today diagnose as autistic – some severely so – contributed profoundly to our art, our math, our science, and our literature. “

Autism itself is not the enemy… the barriers to development that are included with autism are the enemy. The retardation that springs from a lack of development is the enemy. The sensory problems that are often themselves the barriers are the enemy. These things are not part of who the child is… they are barriers to who the child is meant to be, according to the developmental blueprint. Work with the child’s strengths to overcome the weaknesses, and work within the autism, not against it, to overcome the developmental barriers. You do not have to wipe all of us out (“cure autism”) to solve the problems that the low-functioning autistics face. As I see it, autistics are another kind of person, almost like another species, that has an unfortunately high rate of sensory dysfunction and resultant mental retardation in its children. You do not have to get rid of the whole group (again, by that, I mean curing autism) to get rid of the retardation that is all too common among my kind. That would be like trying to get rid of sickle-cell anemia by “curing” blackness (eliminating blacks). We have too much to offer society for that to be allowed to happen… if we are helped to develop as much as possible. I think that is a great and wonderful goal, and I hope you will agree.”

  • Larry Arnold has this to say in regards to his own autism:

“I didn’t get where I am today by not being autistic.”

  • Trisha Van Berkel says:

“Autism is not a puzzle, nor a disease. Autism is a challange [sic], but certainly not a devistating [sic] one.

Autism is about having a pure heart and being very sensitive… It is about finding a way to survive in an overwhelming, confusing world… It is about developing differently, in a different pace and with different leaps.

Autistic beings develop and bloom if their spirits, talents and self-esteem are not destroyed by bullies, prejudice, ‘doggie-training’, and being forced to be ‘normal’.”

This is what we know, when you tell us of your fondest hopes and dreams for us: that your greatest wish is that one day we will cease to be, and strangers you can love will move in behind our faces.

  • BTW, this one by Jim Sinclair reminds me of the line from the movie Batman Begins, where Ducard says this to Bruce Wayne:

But I know the rage that drives you. That impossible anger strangling the grief, until the memory of your loved one is just… poison in your veins. And one day, you catch yourself wishing the person you loved had never existed so you’d be spared your pain.

Autism (with a capital “A”) to me, says that I accept my child wholly. I celebrate his differences and his quirky-ness. I advocate diversity. I try to empower him. I am proud of his successes, no matter how small they seem. I hope he holds onto the compassion he has in his heart into adulthood. I do not think he needs “fixing”. I am proud that he is my son, and sometimes I am humbled by that very same thought.

  • Parrish S. Knight has this to say:

Autism is not something I have. It is integral to who I am. Eliminate the autism, and you eliminate me. When you say you want a cure, you are saying I should be put to death. Think about it.

  • According to my (lastcrazyhorn’s) main music therapy professor:

Empathy is not defined as feeling the same as another (as she pointed out, that’s codependency), but rather the ability to hear what another is saying and to tell them that you heard.

Retrospective consideration of the lives of exceptional human beings offers credible evidence that the autistic distinction has persisted throughout history, and has been a valuable element of human culture. Genetic research indicates that at least twenty different genes can signal a predisposition to autistic development; autism is pervasively embedded in the deep structure of humanity. Psychological research indicates that autistic characteristics constitute an identifiable pattern of traits that are present in varying degrees throughout our entire species.

Autism is as much a part of humanity as is the capacity to dream.

  • Awalkabout has this to say about autism (and her children):

Autism means your children approach our world differently. We just need to learn to interface through therapy, play, school, medical interventions, depending on the child’s needs. Give them the tools they need so they can communicate and understand; but I’m not one of those who insist on a cure. Our children have various gifts and instincts that might well be changed if they no longer had autism—I don’t want to lose those.

Don’t underestimate persons with autism, try to understand.

Asperger’s syndrome has probably been an important and valuable characteristic of our species throughout evolution.

Someone with Asperger’s really is like you, just more extreme.

  • “Lines in the Sand” – from House M.D.:

Cameron: Is it so wrong for them to want to have a normal child? It’s normal to want to be normal.

House: Spoken like a true circle queen. See, skinny socially privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle, and everyone inside the circle is normal, anyone outside the circle should be beaten, broken and reset so they can be brought into the circle. Failing that, they should be institutionalized or worse, pitied.

“Appropriate treatment” is not possible unless and until educators adopt a policy of unfailing respect for the individual. Progress is more important than a cure. Acceptance of difference is more important than achieving normalcy. Tolerance is not good enough because it demands change or at least movement toward an external norm.

I deserve acceptance and respect as I am.

55 Responses to “Quotes About Autism (and everything that includes)”

  1. […] way, I’d like to think that the quotes on my quote page include both information about AS and hope; effectively combining the […]

  2. Frank Klein has it all wrong. Autism and retardation do not belong in the same sentence. I am offended by him implication and I fear he is autistic and has bought into the drival of “normal” people. On the other hand, Trisha Van Berke, hit it dead on. Society had done more to harm the autistic then help him/her by trying to force “normalcy” on them. WHO is it that knows the absolute truths in this universe to be qualified to defined normal ? No one. Perhaps autism is the evolvution the human race so that we may have a future. Who is to say it is not?

  3. […] I have that quote listed on my autism quotes page. […]

  4. Do we or do we not want to see THE CONDITION of autism cured, healed, alleviated, and not just treated? Why is there so much debate about this topic? Either autism is desired or undesired. Period.

    I have not seen this type of contest on blogs related to cancer, juvenile diabetes, arthritis, and other diseases. It seems the folks talking about cancer agree that cancer is not desired. Hum, what gives when we discuss autism? I am truly perplexed by those who are vehemently opposed to a “cure.” Are you suggesting that the inability to speak, self-injurious tantrums, sensory issues, little to no social interaction, unexplained wetting, and other autism manifestations should be customary for any family? If that’s the case, then let a round of autism be distributed to each and every family across the globe, and perhaps you’d be interested in a double portion. That would settle it. No further debate needed. Autism would be “normal” and desired.

    I want to understand how you all see this. I watch my family deal day in and out deal with the impacts of a home with low-functioning autism. Given what I see every day, I was disturbed to see someone here suggest that autism is an evolved state. Wow…

    Okay, no more middle ground. Is autism desired or undesired?! Period.

    • My name is Susan Varghese, a senior journalism student at Purchase College. For my senior project, I’m doing a written piece interviewing and profiling three different families with children living with Autism. I’m hoping to target the age group between 21-25, to explore what happens when government aid decreases, they grow up, and their parents and siblings get older.I grew up with an autistic brother which sparked my interest in the topic. I want to shed light on something that many people hear of, but, don’t know much about and the struggles and joys that also happen living with someone autistic. I was hoping I would be able to interview you and/or was hoping you may also be able to refer me to any families that would be willing to be interviewed extensively. I’d really appreciate it and thank you so much for your time.


    • As someone with Autism, I am against the whole idea of a cure. Not there are not some out there that could probably use it, I can not make any statements about your own child, as every one with Autism is different. Autism isn’t just a disease or a disability! Autism is ones personality! I myself could not imagine life without it, despite wishing I did not have it sometimes. But everyone has their bad days, everyone hates those one or two things about themself!
      I once had unexplanetory bet wetting, and it only stopped a year ago, I am now 18! I was often tortured by bullies, teased and risiculed!
      I Often do not leave my mums side in fear that I would have to speak to strangers!
      Tantrums? oh yes.
      But I would not change it for the world, I am who I am!
      Autism is not something that should be cured, but should be helped and understood. All it takes is a little acceptance! I have support from everyone in my family (which is surprising as I often attack my siblings out of rage and stress..) and a creative outlet. The wetting will dissappear with time, all it takes is patience, and the willingness to work through with them!
      Find what your child likes the most! Find out what helps them deal with stress! All I need is an hour or two in my room alone with music on, and I dance away my stress.

      I know I ranted there, and I actually didn’t finish, I still have more to say. But the main thing I wish to say is that ther is no middle ground, nor is there desired or undesired! Autism is simply a part of who they are. Sure, you may want your child to be normal, but do they, in all honesty, want to? Are they getting the support they need from you and the family? Because when the day is done, aren’t you glad they are your child, or are you that obsessed with the idea Autism is a disease that can be cured, or even should? Are you saying that you would have preferred to have the standard common household child, instead of having the unique child you do have?

      This is why I am not fond of others.

      You are too quick to judge us as ill or disabled, we are us, and it is because of people like us that you can consider yourself a “normal human being”. What makes YOU normal? what makes US different? YOUR IDEA OF WHAT IS RIGHT AND WRONG! YOUR idea that every child should be just like you, instead of having their own quirks and differences that will shape who they are in the future!

      • I just read your post and I have to say, it gave me goose-bumps, I agree with everything you said!. I’m a boy with Asperger’s (16yrs old) and I love who I am! Ok, life is more complicated but its a challenge and a challenge which I love!
        Be proud, follow your dreams in life and you will succeed if you just believe. Have a wonderful life.
        God-bless you.

      • i love this ! my daughter is 3 and has autism and i hate it when people judge but she is special and i love her no matter what and her having autism makes her so unique and funny and cute and a character and i wouldnt change it for the world

      • Well said! being a Mom of an autistic son I agree! I love my son for who he is just how he is………..and really what is “normal” there is no “normal” God bless you and your family for giving you such strength!

      • Well said! I have a son with Autism and Seizures and he is 5. There are sometimes I would love to know how he is feeling and for him to be able to talk to me. But God gave my son to me for a reason. He is special in his own ways.

        To the people that judge and look at us in public. Dont look at me like I am a bad mom because my son is acting out. Instead offer a hand and ask questions.

  5. Boy, and they say that aspies only see things in black and white . . .

    More later – I’m about to run off to a symposium on natural healing.

  6. i really think the IDIOT who is asking whether or not Autism is desired is ridiculous! You have lotsof nerve to imply that parents of children with Autism are the ones that dont want a cure.
    It’s the AAP and the vaccine companies that will not admitt and take repsonsibilty for their actions. When they do…we have preventiona and all the facts we need to move forward with finding a cure. So don’t sit there and impky that us parents don’t want a cure!

  7. I am not a parent with Autism, but my great-nephew has it and I watch my nephew and his wife do an amazing job of working with him. He has, as I have witnessed with my own eyes, become part of our world again and is trying hard to come completely in. I think the person talking about “desiring autism” was actually responding to someone (I thought it was someone with Autsim) saying that we should not find a cure but work within the boundaries of autism. ANd I believe he/she disagreed. The way I am reading your posts, you are both on the same side. No one who has seen low, moderate, or high functioning autism wants to see their loved one go through an ostrisized life. No one of any worth considers them just a “science project”. And no one, not even the parents of children with Autism, considers their child “second class” or “not as good as the others”… We must not get off on some tangent and not see the whole picture. May God give us the key to unlocking this door for all our sakes.

  8. By the way, in addition to what I said above, I have NEVER seen a gift taken away as a child becomes more able to communicate and realte without anxiety to his/her world. Autism is not the gift “the gift is the gift.” That will never be taken away. I have a brother with Aspergers. He has incredible talents in many areas. As he has learned to become more social, to interact more ably and to learn to care about others more, his gifts have NOT deminished.

  9. @ Perplexed. You really should learn what is autism before even judging what others are saying about this.
    Whether or not it is desired is not even a discussion amongst us who do have it, as there is no cure senseless talking about it is of no use and serves no one.
    But do remember that even if autism is a pain to us, I also from my heart can say it has been a beautiful gift. But talk WITH us not about us. So if you need info mail me @ erwin@herow-international.com
    Ohh and before you say something I am diagnosed Asperger Syndrome, wrote several articles in a Dutch Newspaper about it (www.nd.nl) and spoken about at 2 conferences about this (see http://www.kijkzieontdek.nl) So don’t think I do not know what I am talking aboutm before you start yelling.

  10. Can you provide better citations on these quotes? I would like to know them for my research paper.

  11. Hmm.. is inspiring as we have an asperger kid & just like most comments we truly believe our kid is genius in one way or others… And tks for these quotes that I can always use to encourage my wife & me.
    You can see our son when he is 4 yrs old.

  12. My concern with the “cure” is severalfold. My son has autism. We have been working through multiple systems struggles since Jimmy was 16 months old. Despite multiple obstacles, Jimmy is a gift. His level of innocence, compassion, and depth of character are displayed in multiplicity.

    If a cure was presented, what would the potential side effects be? This would engage more research, potential side effects, and unknown long-term effects. For parents who have negated diagnosis, treatment, or interventions while waiting for the “experts to find the cure,” multiple opportunities have been missed, because medical researchers continue to present a new cause every 6 months, and every celebrity with a child with autism is presenting a cure every 3. One size does not fit all in children with autism.

    Having researched this phenomenon, written a dissertation, and speaking regularly at conferences on this topic, I can honestly say that what is needed in this situation is a higher level of long-term understanding societal impacts as opposed to some kind of “quick fix” that will only be presented years from now and may only impact a few, such as those willing to take the risk of what a potential cure might imply.

    If anyone suspects their child might be autistic, please seek intervention immediately.

  13. I stumbled across this site by google. I like it. Growing up my parents always just told me I marched to the tune of my own drummer. I went with it. My parents never questioned me when I started to sleep on the floor and contined to do it for 5 years. They never questioned my insane desire to organize their National Geographics by month and year and have them complied neat and orderly. I was me and that was just peachy.

    It never really dawned on me that my closest friends are people that I’ve known since I was a child. I really hate making friends. I never realized it was weird to eat insane amounts of hot sauce… that is just me. I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal to laugh when something went wrong. I didn’t realize it wasn’t normal to prefer to sit on the floor versus a desk when you have an office job.

    I didn’t realize this until I obtained a job that involved me to work with other adults. The funny thing about it was I’ve been working in social work since I graduated college. The wonderful people that I have gotten to work with have pointed out that I’m not normal. My newest peer that I have started to work with thinks I have ADHD and am some where on the autism spectrum. Her husband is ADHD and she told me we are two peas in a pod. I have to smile when she says this. Sometimes it is more fun to be different.

    Point being if my parents hadn’t accepted me for who I was…I’d be a lot different. They embraced my most eccentric behavior and often times just laughed. If my parents wouldn’t of been as supportive of me as they were…. I probably would of thought that I wasn’t normal. Now I’m very okay with it and just continue to march to the beat of my own drum.

    • ‘m a mother of a child with Asperger’s and WoW !!! I can’t help but cry with these words. God bless your parents who raised such a strong woman in this unaccepting world. Shine on girl !!

  14. I am a mum of two little boys with Autism. My life is not what I imagined it would be in having children…. but would I change it… no. I love my boys for who they are. Autism doesn’t define who they are, but it is a part of them. Sure there are days that feel unbearable and beyond challenging but there are also many, many days when I look at my boys and realise that they are the best teachers I have ever had in my life.

    I look at how they approach things, how determined they can be when they really want something, I marvel at how they don’t care about what anyone else thinks about what they are doing or how they are behaving, especially when they are having fun. I marvel at their sense and sensitivity for people and places. I marvel at their talents,I am humbled by their struggles and I appreciate and celebrate every single little milestone they make.

    I love their character, their individuality, their quirky-ness and I will never put a limitation on what they can and can’t do. I will encourage them to dream big and I will do everything in my power to try and help them make their dreams come true.

    Great blog by the way :0)

    • my 3yr old has autism and im still learning about it. i work full time to keep a roof over our heads. i now have a newborn “boy” and now i’m concerned if he may have autism. when you were pregnant with your 2nd how ready were you and what were you thinking?

  15. @princessbride: I understand what you’re saying, and if my children had “gifts” like some people have “gifts,” I would believe that, too, that they would maintain their abilities no matter what else happened. I think my daughter’s advantage is that she sees through to the heart of things because she is literal, because of the autism. My son, on the other hand, as much as I wish he would have one of those narrow interests so that we could inspire him to follow it, he doesn’t. He just has behavior that continues to disrupt everything. He says he doesn’t know why he can’t control himself. He has no governor between “think” and “act.” We’re all still learning how to deal with it.

  16. Great stuff on autism looking forward to more. I am promoting global awareness for autism on my blog. http://curtishealthyliving.wordpress.com/


    Curtis Maybin

  17. I believe the difference lies in the level you are functioning at. The degree your form of autism interferes with your ability to be in the world. If you can communicate, control your impulses and deal with the sensory issues you wouldn’t see the need for a “cure” but don’t forget those who are much more challenged like my son. He can talk but not converse, he is overwhelmed often and at 9 is already on anti anxiety medication to help him with OCD and self injury. Therapy since he was 2 along with diet, supplements and now medication have all helped. He is such a great boy who struggles so hard every day to just be here…he is fighting for it why wouldn’t we. He is LOVED and RESPECTED.

    • I wish I had been on anti-anxiety meds as far back as that. I probably wouldn’t have spent half my life feeling as wretched as I have. Besides, I can’t control my impulses – not all of them, and while I may “deal” with my sensory issues, it’s not something that I take lightly, nor is it something that is easily achieved.

      • I completely agree. I just recently went back on anti anxiety meds after years of being med free and I feel like a completely new person! However, I can no longer pursue my wanting to be a police officer while on this type of medication :_( I don’t think anyway… I guess I would rather enjoy feeling better and try to pursue another type of career..

  18. “deal” with was meant as get through the day without falling apart constantly and screaming with frustration a good part of the day. In no way do I take this lightly and I didn’t mean to give that impression.

  19. What actually constitutes “normalcy” anyway? Is it being able to communicate effectively? Well, suppose you were born in Russia, to Russian-speaking parents but your language, from the day you realized you had a voice and a desire to communicate, was oh, maybe English? How well would you fare? Would you expect your parents to learn your language or would you -if teaching the Russian language was available to you, learn Russian? If you were born with the traditions of an English-speaking country being innate in you, would you continue to practice what you were born knowing or would you acquire, by learning through various modes and methods, the traditions espoused by the Russians? Or, would people say because you spoke a different language from the beginning, that you were abnormal and should be shunned, or institutionalized because,heaven forbid, you are different? How does that, in a way, differ from autistic individuals and those who consider themselves to be “normal?” Or is that just to simplistic a way of viewing acceptance and being aware of the differences that exist in ALL of us. I firmly believe that each of us has some little quirks, somewhere inside us, that are indicative when they surface in abundance of those who are diagnosed as being autistic and the more I am around my two younger grandchildren -both of whom are on the spectrum -the more I see some of those traits in myself too. I may not obsess about near as many things as my granddaughter (age 6 now) does, but there are things that drive me to the edge at times and could be classified as my own little obsessions. I don’t fear hair dryers, portable hand mixers, vacuum cleaners and such because of the noises they make the way my grandson did but with help, he is slowly learning they are not the ogres he once thought of them as being and now, we can use these items in his presence without it sending him into screaming, hissy fits.
    Some would rant at my saying tolerance is a commodity ALL of us need to learn and use with a generous hand but it is something that if we ALL practiced that with everyone, not just those with Autism, wouldn’t it make the world a much better place, by far, in which we could live in peace and harmony?
    Who really knows what causes Autism? No one! There are many theories but in the grand scheme of things, if we profess that we wouldn’t want a cure for those with autism, why worry then about the cause? Or does that sound cruel to some?
    I can’t say that I don’t want to see science learn about what causes Autism because that would be akin to people saying “Who cares if the world is flat or round?” But I do care, deeply, about seeing that my grandchildren receive every opportunity possible to learn how best to cope with their own little -or large -quirks or obsessions -and be able to be accepted then in the best way they possibly can be by society as a whole.
    They are beautiful individuals, intelligent, loving and giving but they learn in a manner that varies somewhat from the way I learn, the way their parents learned and that does not make them bad at all.
    Live and let live but allow the opportunity to learn and to be accepted in the process.

  20. I guess if finding a cure means I won’t have to feel so alone while so many people love me, or tired of worrying about where I will end up in life, or if I’m a failure.. or destined to be a failure.. while everything seems to be going right… I wouldn’t mind a cure.

  21. As a person with AS/HFA (Asperger Syndrome/Functioning Autism) I can all say people with this condition (autism spectrum) are just on the other side of “normal”. We are all in a sense profoundly normal, and people with autism are just that much more profoundly normal.
    If we got rid of autism, normal people would be in trouble too.
    Chelsea Jean Lord

  22. As an Autie, I think that the t-shirt logo I thought of for April is brilliant: I don’t need Autism Awareness, Autism Acceptance will do just fine.

  23. I just stumbled across this while looking for some autism quotes.

    As a mother of a person who has autism- straight old middle of the road autism, is he high-functioning because he is verbal or low-functioning because he needs 24/7 care? Those are just labels. But I know my son, I’ve know him since the moment he was born, if someone gave me a pill with no side effects and told me it would cure him of his autism, I would fight to the death for him never to take it. It would forever change my son, it would turn him into someone he is not.

    Is it to be desired? That is a silly question when you are pregnant and desire your baby to have green eyes and when they are born they are brown do you run to the doctors and cry “Fix them, cure them, I wanted green eyes!”

    My son is who he is, a wonderful boy, who tells me “Autism is a good thing.” And that is how I know I’m doing a good job.

  24. Hi, I think it’s me Chelsea again. I think that people with autism can be very bright and intense. So can some neurotypicals-its just a different extreme with autism and it’s just so much more intense.

  25. i grew up with quite a few people my own age with Asperger`s and i watched them get bullied and teased everyday, i actually suggested to my highschool ( back when i went a few years ago ) have the teens with Asperger’s ( there were 3 of them ) go on a field trip so the rest of the school could be educated, they were looked at as ” different ” like an alien, granted no one is the same, but it was just mean ! So, i befriended them & with as much bull that they took, they still managed to smile & they are really my heroes, because it just takes so much strength to go through what they had and being embarrassed day after day. i wish i had their willpower !

  26. Here I am a grown man of 43 just had a diagnoses of asperger syndrome
    Throughout my adult life I have had to fight many battles, from early a child to this day
    Yet the very thing that made me stand differently in the world would be the very thing that as saved me. the years of livening a life behind a strangers eyes as left their mark branded for all the world to see ,yet now I feel empty as the person who I thought was me as left. The sensitivity that my hart feels now is almost to hard to bare ,now I am who I am .

  27. my daughter got diagnosed with autism fairly high functioning almost a year ago we have had many ups and downs i would never change her she is a wonderful beautiful person i think ppls opinions of autism need to change. my daughter goes to a mainstream school and recently i was told by a parent after my daugther had an episode of crying n shouting in the play ground as she was overwhelmed but the noise and ppl being to close to her, i was told by this parent her n other parents have been talking and they dont want there children anywhere near my daugther and dont want her in the school i was absolutely discussed by this as u can imagine.. ppl are so narrow minded ppl dont understand an autistic child sees the world differently to other children she is easily overwhelmed by the slightest thing.. ppl see my daughter as “naughty” she is very scluded by the other children doesnt get invited to parties or play date i see my wonderful amazing girl struggle with this every single day i worry about her all the time, i wish ppl would be more understanding but with all of this and facing the struggles that we do.. i can honestly say if i had a choice i would never change her she wouldnt be who she is with out autism.. shes my world and i get so much joy from her she makes me laugh every single day shes my angel…ppl need educating about autism no child/adult should have to change because ppl require them too.

  28. I take pleasure in, cause I found just what I was taking a look for. You have ended my four day long hunt! God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye

  29. A bullied teen’s poignant video has caught the eye of the blogosphere over three months after it was originally posted.

    The clip, simply titled “Whats goin on…” and uploaded to YouTube in August, features eighth grader Jonah Mowry, who addresses the audience with a series of revealing notecards while Sia’s “Breathe Me” plays in the background.

    “I’ve cut…a lot. I have scars. Suicide was an option…many times,” Mowry confesses on two of the cards as he sobs in the video, which…


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  34. I am an Aspergers Adult and the real fact is we are all very different from each other. Gender , co morbid disorders of mixtures and different kinds, degree, environmental and the list goes on. Where a lot of Parents fall down is that they try to post helpful information from their own experience with a child with Aspergers and think they are speaking on behalf or every other Aspergers person. Many of us Adults live with the terrible stigma about ASD such as an ASD person is violent or lashes out at people. This for the majority any way is totally false. It is also why many Aspergers Adults won’t have a bar of Parents with Aspergers kids

  35. I have 3 children with Aspergers. My view is this, why are so many people consumed with trying to get people with ASD to conform to society? Having ASD means God blessed you with the ability to surpass conformity. Most people waste over half their life trying to fit in, stand out, be what others want them to be…. My children can use that 1/2 of there life to achieve greatness. They want spend 1/2 their life trying to achieve those wasteful things, they have already exceeded it!

  36. I am a mother with a 12 year old who has Aspergers. He was 1st grade when I was forced to “label him”…I always knew he was special and had quirks other children did not… His teacher refused to listen to my tips and help, I was told she was NOT going to individualize her classroom for one child. That was all it took for me being a single mother in a very small town with no father in the picture at all to reach out for help from Easter Seals. I fight teachers, principles and bullies everyday(no joke) My only wish and thought is, why are we trying to change them when its us without the “lable” who needs to change and learn how to fit into them… Im not a doctor or scientist I am just a mom who from the birth of my son, knew it was not about me anymore, I do, live, and learn for him. I would think it would be so much harder to try and/or “fix” a person with Aspergers then to make a so called “normal” person understand and respect the individualism of a person with Aspergers. Educate yourself “normal” people… you may be suprised at what you find out about yourself!

  37. Even though I really like this publish, I believe there was an punctuational error near towards the finish of your third paragraph.

  38. I’m impressed, I need to say. Really rarely do I encounter a weblog that’s both educative and entertaining, and let me inform you, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Your idea is excellent; the issue is something that not sufficient individuals are speaking intelligently about. I am very completely satisfied that I stumbled throughout this in my seek for something relating to this.

  39. this may seem a bit immature and will probably get lost in this myriad of comments but i see a similarity between ASDs and the X-Men movies. there were so many people against the mutants, in this case people struggling with ASDs, and wanting to find a cure while all they really want i to be left alone and to feel safe. there is no cure necessary. these people are born with amazing gifts that i personally am shamelessly jealous of. im not saying it’s cool to have autism, although some say it will be mainstream in the gene pool within the next 100 years. we should explore this new world, this alternated reality of these amazing people living with, not a condition or a disorder, but something that is real and amazing and worth learning about. back when they used to say that we only used 10% of our brain capacity, autistic people were using 1005% percent of their’s and it is a huge sensory overload. in my opinion, i think we only use 10% of our mind’s capability whilst ASDs are the key to unlocking the 90%. Geek Moment alert! when betty ross first asked bruce banner what it felt like to be the hulk he said, “it’s like someone poured a liter of acid down my brain.”
    when i first started researching ASDs and watching video after video of autistic children struggling to describe what it is like having autism, i knew that banner only went through 1/10 of what these brave young and honorary souls go through every minute of every day.

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  41. […] So today I will end with one of my favourite quotes, taken from : Mommy Dearest from The Quirk Factor: Resistance is Futile,  (as found on Odd One Out blog) […]

  42. I’m disappointed that so many people who are involved with, or are autistic-Aspergergers, focus on arguing with Neurotypical prejudice. It’s like African Americans still trying to convince bigots that “Negroes” are human. A waste of time; many NTs are so confined within the social agenda that they can’t escape its narrow conception of “who counts.”

    • So you’re saying we should just give up and accept the status quo that denies our humanity, which black people refused to do? Well, I know exactly where you can shove that idea, given the fact it’s the majority that ‘charities’ like Autism Squeaks tries to convince that killing us isn’t murder.

  43. I have been “different” my entire life. Today I am 64 years old. I am sick of “normal” being shoved down everyone’s throat – that includes ALL people, not only Asperger’s or autistic individuals. I am sick of “normal” being presented as a kind of living death – conform, conform, conform. Don’t be intelligent, don’t ask questions, don’t think, just do as we say, you’re not really human because “WE” know what humans are supposed to be. Utterly unscientific – a religion that seeks to dictate behavior, no less than Puritanical than the actual Puritans. Psychology and psychiatry are in the totalitarian Dark Ages when it comes to understanding human diversity. THAT’s the social impulse: control other people. That’s what makes Asperger’s into outcasts: we resist the social obsession to do away with who we are. Our crime is believing in ourselves and preferring the real world to the abusive zoo for humans that is society – a type of psychic jail that creates unhappiness and dysfunction. If society is so wonderful, then why is the United States a nation of people addicted to drugs, alcohol, and violence; failed marriages, a huge prison population, child poverty, growing hopelessness, and on and on, lies, greed and incompetence? Don’t tell me that “normal” is what I should aspire to be.

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